Entrant Company
Video - Games
Client's Name
Private Division
Country / Region
United States
Experience Level
OlliOlli World, It’s a game that’s praised for its ability to authentically replicate the elusive flow state that skateboarders often experience. Thankfully the client recognized that we are skaters; we know a tre flip from a laser flip. So when we found out the DLC was called Finding the Flowzone we knew we had this trick in the bag.
For a game with so much creativity and style the gameplay has to reflect that. It takes special care and immersion to select tricks and shots that pay tribute to the rich history of skateboarding culture but also with a game this difficult it takes serious skills to stick the landing. The motion conveyed throughout the capture, editing, and graphics are all in service of the game's goal that critics so lovingly admire, that energized focus feeling of being in the zone.
The developers put a lot of care into crafting an original soundtrack that reflects this same principle which is why they asked us to use a song from the library for the trailer. The track works hand-in-hand with the theme, gameplay, and further amplifies the sense of flow. Every part of the gameplay was captured to match the awesome tunes, and it makes for a smooth, solid ride all the way through.
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Video - Transportation
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Gravity Global
Social Media - YouTube Channel / Video
Country / Region
United Kingdom
Entrant Company
Video - Trailers
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Reingold, Inc.
Advertising & Design - Poster Design (Series)
Country / Region
United States