NYX Awards - 2022 Silver Winner Winner

Avanti Slingshot Print MIS

Entrant Company

New North


Design - Illustration / Infographic

Client's Name

Avanti Systems

Country / Region

United States

Experience Level


New North was tasked with creating an infographic detailing the streamlined print process using the client’s print automation software (Avanti Slingshot Print MIS). After some previous iterations and attempts at this graphic, the team at Avanti decided to work with New North to produce a graphic that not only portrays the information in an easy-to-digest manner but also provides high visual ties to the root of their company and the industry. Some of the challenges they faced at prior attempts were generic workflow graphics that fell flat in execution. They viewed those versions as solutions that lacked depth and could be recycled into any niched company to represent any general stepped process. Avanti needed something memorable and “on-brand.”

The solution we came up with was to utilize actual elements in a commercial print setting

by illustrating print rollers feeding through a printer. While also being a direct tie into the industry, the feed action invokes a sense of forward motion, naturally guiding the viewer through the steps from ‘Input’ to ‘Output.’ The irregularity in the design not only matches well to that of the internal mechanics of a commercial printer but also helps to better organize and deliver the information in a more visually interesting way. Colors are representative of Spot and CMYK colors seen in print outputs, but at the same time, a header and footer strongly reinforce the brand. This juxtaposition allowed the exploration of additional colors and highlights while keeping it all ‘framed’ into the core brand. Registration marks give the nod to print industry experts, which is predominantly the target audience of this infographic. The last requirement of this infographic was flexibility. While the desired deliverable took a ‘tall’ approach for clean integration into web pages, blog posts, etc., the design is abstract enough so that it could be altered into different applications like a horizontal social media carousel approach. Overall we were able to provide something unique to the client that not only checks all the requirements but adds a bit of a fun and engaging personality to the brand.


Director of Marketing, New North
Chris Madeira
Lead Designer, New North
Jon Moorman
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Self Directed

Entrant Company

University of Texas at Arlington


Design - Poster (Single)

Country / Region

United States

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Creative Furtures Collective

Entrant Company

Owl Bridge Media


Website - Branding

Country / Region

United States

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Entrant Company

Kyani, Inc.


Design - Program Guide

Country / Region

United States

Video/ Film / Web Based Productions
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Tourism Australia

Entrant Company

Blackfisch Films


Video/ Film / Web Based Productions - Travel / Tourism

Country / Region
