Entrant Company
Big Idea Advertising
Integrated Campaign - Integrated Marketing Campaign
Client's Name
Antigua & Barbuda Tourism Authority
Country / Region
United States
Experience Level
We have sides to our personalities we don’t always get to explore at home. But, at the beach, we’re released from our daily routines and free to discover new sides of ourselves. Maybe for a week, we become underwater explorers or action photographers. That’s the strategy we built the Beach Creatures campaign on. The result? A 5672% ROI on campaign spend in just 9 months, a 14% increase in tourism from the U.S. compared to 2017, and the highest U.S. tourism numbers in the past 10 years.
Entrant Company
Clever Creative
Integrated Campaign - Company Branding
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Colle McVoy
Video Production / Digital Creation / Video for Web - Nonprofit
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Multipleoutlet Productions
Video Production / Digital Creation / Video for Web - Nonprofit
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Kevin Rist Productions
Video Production / Digital Creation / Video for Web - Wedding
Country / Region
United States