Entrant Company
Miami Ad School
Student Submission - Student AD
Client's Name
Netflix UK
Country / Region
United States
Experience Level
We want what we can’t have. Studies show that when audiences learn a TV show is going to be removed from a platform, viewership increases. So when UK audiences aren’t watching enough foreign language content on Netflix, the best way to get them to do so is to convince them they will no longer be able to.
The Brexit referendum embodies England’s fear of everything foreign. What if NetflixUK pretended that because of an obscure Brexit cultural import law, they’d be losing all rights to foreign films and shows in a week’s time? The inevitable fan outrage on social media would raise awareness of previously overlooked foreign content. And with prominently displayed deadlines on the Netflix homepage, these shows would appear all the more desirable.
Forbidden fruit is sweeter when it’s just out of reach.
Entrant Company
Proscalar, LLC
Integrated Marketing - Cause Marketing
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Brand Ave. Studios/Amplified Digital Agency
Strategic Campaign - Brand Strategy Campaign
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Commercial & Marketing - Games / Games Related
Country / Region
United States
Entrant Company
Arina Digital
Marketing / Advertising Campaigns - Product Launch
Country / Region